Let’s say, a website is a home.(‘homepage’)

Each pages on a website can be a room. URL structure will show the house structure.
We can make
Or we can make a deeper space

01. Living Room
The living room is a space for everyone. It’s a free and open space. The people in the room are a major factor indicative of a room’s general atmosphere. What if the webpage is operated according to a decision agreed to by everyone? What if the background color of a site is decided by a selection made by everyone when when they enter the site? What if one can scroll down the page only when everyone else in the room agrees?
What if everyone can see the cursors of other users on their screen when are on the same page? What if one person cannot use one part of the page if someone else is using that space? What if people have to divide and share the space (screen)? What if the site looks different in different positions?

02. Bathroom
The bathroom is a room for one person. You may not know if the place is occupied or not before you knock on the door. You can’t enter if the place is already occupied. What if there is a website that only one person could use? What if it shows alerts when you try to enter when someone else is already using the site? What if you have to wait for it to become unoccupied?

03. Cleaning

Let’s imagine a child's room and a guestroom. Kids might litter the room with books and toys every day. You may need to clean the room every day, or even every hour. On the other hand, a guestroom may require very few changes. You can just clean it once a week or less.
We can imagine a website that doesn’t refresh in a real time. Perhaps it could be refreshed once a week. What if it doesn’t immediately go back to its original state, even though you click the refresh button? What if drop-down menus remained the same, even after we refreshed websites, or Instagram updated ‘new posts’ once a week? What if it updates every Monday morning so people don't have to see the app every day? What if we could play with the cleaning and updating timing on the web?

04. Finding a pen in a dark garage
Imagine you are looking for a small toy in a dark garage. The garage is full of boxes and you have to unpack all of the boxes to find it. You might need to ask someone else to come with you. You might need to give that person a flashlight and shine it into the garage, so then you can unpack the boxes. You need someone’s help in order to do this. What if there was a website where someone must help you to use the site? What if one person should press multiple (at least more than six) buttons using two hands to light up the site? And what if the other person can then navigate the site using the mouse only after it has been lighten up by this person?

05. Noise from the other room
Sometimes you hear a noise from the next room. What if we could see faint text from a ‘previous post’ or the ‘next post’ on a single post page, or some noise from the video in next page? What if this faint text or noise, looks or sounds more obvious as you scroll down?

06. Doors / Front streets.

If I thought of a website as a homepage or a home, link tags would be a door, either coming in or going out. Front streets will be the websites that are either linked, or linking, to the website.
Much like a street name describes the location of a home, list of these websites will describe where the website is located on the web. Homepage can be located in the big city, and also in peer-to-peer small towns. You cannot  have 100% control of the street, but you can build a general environment using these doors.
You can also imagine installing CCTV cameras on the doors in order to see those people who come to your door.